Thursday, November 3, 2022
✌ Searching for Life beyond Earth
The search for life beyond Earth offers several intriguing targets. Mars appears to have been more similar to Earth during its early history than it is now, with evidence for liquid water on its ancient surface and perhaps even now below ground. The accessibility of the martian surface to our spacecraft offers the exciting potential to directly examine ancient and modern samples for evidence of life. In the outer solar system, the moons Europa and Enceladus likely host vast sub-ice oceans that may directly contact the underlying rocks—a good start in providing habitable conditions—while Titan offers a fascinating laboratory for understanding the sorts of organic chemistry that might ultimately provide materials for life. And the last decade of research on exoplanets leads us to believe that there may be billions of habitable planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. Study of these worlds offers the potential to find biomarkers indicating the presence of life.
Saturday, July 23, 2022
🔑 T-Shirts

Untitled Classic T-Shirt

Metropolitan area Classic T-Shirt

#mythology #photography #adult painting art portrait Classic T-Shirt

Illusion Classic T-Shirt

Штандарт Президента #Russian #Presidential #Standard #PresidentialStandard Flag Classic T-Shirt

#Repetition, #illustration, #cute, #bright, design, art, fun, vortex, creativity, horizontal, gray, color image Classic T-Shirt

#Chambers, #Happiness, #Building, #Skyscraper, #NewYork, #Manhattan, #Street, #Pedestrians, #Cars, #Towers, #morning, #trees, #subway, #station, #Spring, #flowers, #Brooklyn Classic T-Shirt

Surface Classic T-Shirt

Diagram, Blank Wheel of Life Classic T-Shirt

#StatueofLiberty, #NewYorkCity, #LibertyIsland, #USA, #americanculture, #monument, #statue, #landmark Classic T-Shirt

New York Classic T-Shirt

New York, Manhattan, Brooklyn, New York City, architecture, street, building, tree, car, pedestrians, day, night, nightlight, house, condominium, Classic T-Shirt

Lady Gaga in Brandon Maxwell Classic T-Shirt

Symbol triangle circle square Classic T-Shirt

ancient, pristine, antique, early, carriage, coach, passenger car, motor Classic T-Shirt

#Highrise #building #HighriseBuilding #BuildingUse #tower #block #towerblock #chessproblem #chess #problem #playchess #chesspiece #chessset #chessmaster #chinesechess #chesstournament #intelligence Classic T-Shirt

#Relapse, #colors, #coloration, #colouration, #marking, #colours, #fashionable, #trendy Classic T-Shirt

pattern, design, tracery, weave, decoration, motif, marking, ornament, ornamentation, #pattern, #design, #tracery, #weave, #decoration, #motif, #marking, #ornament, #ornamentation Classic T-Shirt

Mosaic, tessellation, puzzles, medley, tessellated, pattern, design, arrangement Classic T-Shirt

Psychedelic Art - Psychedelia Classic T-Shirt

General Physics 2, Thermodynamics, Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics Classic T-Shirt

pattern, design, tracery, weave, decoration, motif, marking, ornament, ornamentation, #pattern, #design, #tracery, #weave, #decoration, #motif, #marking, #ornament, #ornamentation Classic T-Shirt

#Psychedelic #Hypnotic #Pattern, Visual #Illusion, Optical Art Classic T-Shirt

#Design, #abstract, #pattern, #illustration, psychedelic, vortex, modern, art, decoration Classic T-Shirt

Vasya Classic T-Shirt

decoration, ornament, adornment, dressing, ornamentation, embellishment, pattern, design, tracery, weave, steampunk Classic T-Shirt

The Blind Leading the Blind, Blind, or The Parable of the Blind Classic T-Shirt

Spiral 3, Blank Wheel of Life, spiral,helix,scroll,loop,volute,spire,helical,winding,corkscrew,anfractuous,винтовой,screw,витой,stranded,винтообразный Classic T-Shirt

Beach Classic T-Shirt

pattern, design, tracery, weave, decoration, motif, marking, ornament, ornamentation, #pattern, #design, #tracery, #weave, #decoration, #motif, #marking, #ornament, #ornamentation Classic T-Shirt

Op art - art movement, short for optical art, is a style of visual art that uses optical illusions Classic T-Shirt

#Ellipse: #definition by #sum of distances to #foci Classic T-Shirt

3d surface Classic T-Shirt

#Air #show #AirShow #airplane #military #fighter #speed #flying #aerobatics #airforce #sky #maneuver #wing #horizontal #blue #colorimage #airvehicle #aerospaceindustry #accuracy #efficiency #pattern Classic T-Shirt

Geometric Composition Art #Geometric #Composition #Art #GeometricCompositionArt #GeometricComposition Classic T-Shirt

#Abstract, #proportion, #art, #flower, pattern, bright, decoration, kaleidoscope, ornate, creativity Classic T-Shirt

Lives Matter Classic T-Shirt

#Design, #abstract, #pattern, #illustration, psychedelic, vortex, modern, art, decoration Classic T-Shirt

Optical illusion, Concentric Circles, Geometric Art - концентрические круги Classic T-Shirt

Экстремальные состояния вещества на Земле и в космосе. Extreme states of matter on Earth and in space Classic T-Shirt

Battle of Tuyutí. #war, #crowd, #weapon, #army, #battle, illustration, painting, people, art, flame Classic T-Shirt

Optical #Art: Moving #Pattern #Illusion - #OpArt Classic T-Shirt

Old Educational Physics Poster Classic T-Shirt

#lineart #blackandwhite #wing #chalkout wire design cable art Classic T-Shirt

pattern, abstract, design, tile, repetition, art, decoration, vertical, textured, backgrounds, textile, no people, geometric shape, seamless pattern, retro style, styles Classic T-Shirt

#Pavel183 #ПавелПухов #PavelPukhov #streetartist #RussianBanksy #expression #TsoiWall #graffiti #messages #rockstar #ViktorTsoi #murals #spraypainted #publicstructures #politicalmessage #Banksy Classic T-Shirt

Pattern Classic T-Shirt

#Night, #NewYork, #Manhattan, #Brooklyn, #NewYorkCity, #architecture, #street, #building, #tree, #car Classic T-Shirt

Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks Classic T-Shirt

Pattern, design, tracery, weave, #Pattern, #design, #tracery, #weave Classic T-Shirt

#Celebration #Winter #Season #Tradition #Gifts #Christmas #Presents #Santa #Xmas #Toys #Stockings #Sales #Turkey #iTunes #iPhones #OpeningHours #Festive #AllIwantforChristmasisyou #TraditionalClothing Classic T-Shirt

Surface Classic T-Shirt

#Design, #abstract, #pattern, #illustration, psychedelic, vortex, modern, art, decoration Classic T-Shirt

Physical Setting/Physics, Reference Tables - 2006 Edition, Page 6 Classic T-Shirt

Visual arts - пестрый, motley, variegated, mottled, pied, checkered, patchwork, разноцветный Classic T-Shirt

Таблица Менделеева, Периодическая таблица, Periodic Table of the Elements, #PeriodicTableoftheElements #PeriodicTable #Elements #Periodic #Table #Element #Chemistry #Helium #Периодическаятаблица Classic T-Shirt

Алфавит, азбука,Russian alphabet а б в г д е ё ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я Classic T-Shirt

New York, Manhattan, Brooklyn, New York City, architecture, street, building, tree, car, pedestrians, day, night, nightlight, house, condominium, Classic T-Shirt

Visual Optical Illusion Classic T-Shirt

#grass #chessproblem #chess #problem #playchess #chesspiece #chessset #chessmaster #chinesechess #chesstournament #gameofchess #chessboard #competition #sport #intelligence #wood #vector #knight Classic T-Shirt

Optical illusion Concentric Circles Geometric Art - концентрические круги Classic T-Shirt

Euler's Identity, Math, Mathematics, Science, formula, equation, #Eulers #Identity, #Math, #Mathematics, #Science, #formula, #equation, #EulersIdentity, #Euler, Classic T-Shirt

pale color, pale, color, light, pallid, faint, wan, white Classic T-Shirt

pattern, design, tracery, weave, decoration, motif, marking, ornament, ornamentation, #pattern, #design, #tracery, #weave, #decoration, #motif, #marking, #ornament, #ornamentation Classic T-Shirt

Psychedelic art, Art movement Classic T-Shirt

burlap, rough linen, rough, linen, sackcloth, #burlap,#rough, #linen, #sackcloth, #roughlinen, #мешковина, #sacking, #bagging Classic T-Shirt

Circle, Psychedelic art Classic T-Shirt

pattern, design, tracery, weave, decoration, motif, marking, ornament, ornamentation, #pattern, #design, #tracery, #weave, #decoration, #motif, #marking, #ornament, #ornamentation Classic T-Shirt

pattern, design, tracery, weave, decoration, motif, marking, ornament, ornamentation, #pattern, #design, #tracery, #weave, #decoration, #motif, #marking, #ornament, #ornamentation Classic T-Shirt

#Dirty #rusty #ScratchedIron sheet bolts nuts #Scratched #Iron Classic T-Shirt

#Games of #multicolored #spirals on the #plane Classic T-Shirt

#abstract #pattern #wallpaper #design #texture #black #white #decorative #fractal #art #digital #blue #illustration #graphic #optical #geometric #seamless #star #green #color #monochrome #fabric Classic T-Shirt

#Commonly #Used #C++ #Data #Types #Type #Description #char #Character #unsigned #unsignedint #short #integer #Operators #Assignment #multiplication #unsignedshortint #long #double #Additio Classic T-Shirt

#Abstract, #decoration, #design, #pattern, ornate, art, illustration, creativity, curve, rainbow, shape Classic T-Shirt

Big palm Classic T-Shirt

Op art - art movement, short for optical art, is a style of visual art that uses optical illusions Classic T-Shirt

Psychedelic art, Art movement Classic T-Shirt

Георгиевская ленточка - Ribbon of Saint George Classic T-Shirt

A coarse rope of natural material Classic T-Shirt

#pattern, #abstract, #rough, #nature, #dry, #fungus, #cement, #textured Classic T-Shirt

Green, surface, homogenous, smuth Classic T-Shirt

NASA, Hubble Space Telescope: Cat's Eye Nebula Classic T-Shirt

Генералиссимус, Generalissimo Classic T-Shirt

Brooklyn, New York City, sunset, evening, #Brooklyn, #NewYorkCity, #sunset, #evening, #nature, #sky, #clouds Classic T-Shirt

Montreal, #Montreal #City, #MontrealCity, #Canada, #buildings, #streets, #places, #views, #nature, #people, #tourists, #pedestrians, #architecture, #flowers, #monuments, #sculptures, #Cathedral Classic T-Shirt

A vegetative, irregular pattern derived from real photography Classic T-Shirt

Visual Illusion #VisualIllusion Optical #OpticalIllusion #percept #reality Image Apparent Motion Classic T-Shirt

Blue Circles and Rays on White Background - фон иллюзия Classic T-Shirt

What Do I Care About You? Classic T-Shirt

pattern, design, tracery, weave, decoration, motif, marking, ornament, ornamentation, #pattern, #design, #tracery, #weave, #decoration, #motif, #marking, #ornament, #ornamentation Classic T-Shirt

Old Man Classic T-Shirt

#Cretan, #labyrinth, Cretanlabyrinth Classic T-Shirt

Mass is both a property of a physical body and a measure of its resistance to acceleration Classic T-Shirt

pattern, design, tracery, weave, ornament, decor, garniture Classic T-Shirt

#architecture, #outdoors, #street, #travel, #city, #town, #narrow, #alley Classic T-Shirt

#Hypnosis #Hypnotic Image #HypnosisImage #HypnoticImage Classic T-Shirt

#sky, #architecture, #business, #city, #outdoors, #technology, #modern, #vertical, #colorimage, #NewYorkCity, #USA, #americanculture Classic T-Shirt

Proverb: The pen is mightier than the sword. #Proverb #pen #mightier #sword. Пословица: Перо сильнее меча Classic T-Shirt

Untitled Classic T-Shirt

#Psychedelic #Hypnotic #Pattern, Visual #Illusion, Optical Art Classic T-Shirt
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